Dynasties and Royalty timeline
Upper and Lower Egypt are unified into a single kingdom, inaugurating the first Egyptian dynasty
Egypt enters the period known as the Old Kingdom, its first era of monumental architecture
Sargon conquers the other Mesopotamian states and establishes a dynasty with a new capital at Akkad, close to modern Baghdad
Mentuhotep II wins control of all Egypt, establishing the period known as the Middle Kingdom

The centre of power in Egypt moves to the interior, with the capital at Thebes rather than Memphis
The Hittites build an empire based on their stronghold at Hattusa (now Bogazkale) in Anatolia
The New Kingdom begins in Egypt, bringing the most spectacular of all the dynasties
Hatshepsut takes power in Egypt, and is unusual in being a female pharaoh
The Great City Shang, on a site later known as An-yang, develops as the capital of China's first dynasty
The pharaoh Akhenaten creates a new capital city on the Nile at Tell el Amarna

The young Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun, dies and is buried in a suitable tomb

Ramses II, perhaps the greatest of Egypt's pharaohs, begins a reign of sixty-six years
The Zhou defeat the Shang, and establish a new dynasty with a capital at Ch'ang-an (now Xi'an)
Saul, anointed king of Israel by Samuel, establishes himself at Gibeah, just north of Jerusalem
David, already king of Judah and now anointed king of Israel, brings into one realm the twelve tribes of the Israelites
David captures Jerusalem, which he makes his capital - bringing here the ark of the covenant
Solomon becomes king of Israel and presides over a period of peace and prosperity
Libyans in the Egyptian army take control of the nation and rule as pharaohs
Solomon's son Rehoboam is unable to prevent the ten northern tribes going their own way, under the leadership of Jeroboam
Ashurnasirpal II creates a spectacular new capital at Nimrud (and claims to have had 69,574 guests at his palace-warming party)
The Zhou rulers, driven east from Xi'an, create a new capital at Loyang and establish the Eastern Zhou dynasty
The king of Cush, or Nubia, conquers down the Nile to the sea, establishing the Cushite dynasty
Judah and Benjamin, together forming the kingdom of Judah, are the only two surviving tribes of Israel